C(ovell) in the
ABC Interactive Presents: C(ovell) in the C(loud), an interactive Livestream event based on The ABC Project's critically acclaimed C(ovell).
The show is a 3hour immersive theatre extravaganza. 45 minutes of preshow, a 1.5hr main performance, and 45 minutes of post-show. Escape into "The Game," which is in a world of clowns, fortunes, magic, and the absurdity of your own experience.
The show will be performed August 1st 6:30pm PST/9:30pm EST
Which, for our international friends, is August 2nd 1:30am British Summer Time/9:30am China Standard Time
There are multiple ticket tiers but they fall into two categories: Passive Watching or Interactive Participation. In order to get the full experience of interactive participation, you must have a desktop or laptop (Mac or PC) so you can call in on Skype and Zoom simultaneously from the same camera.
Passive Watching: Free with proof of a donation of $10 or more to any of the following organizations or with a subscription to ABC Interactive's Patreon or new web subscription service that launches on Tuesday, July 21st. (Please note free passive watching starts approximately 45minutes after the interactive show begins).
Black Women Lead
Brave Space Alliance
City Harvest
Doctors Without Borders
The Innocence Project
Loveland Foundation
NAACP Legal Defense Fund
Okra Project
Unicorn Riot
10% of ticket Sales for Participation Tickets and VIP Add-Ons Will go toward Donations for the Above Organizations
Interactive Participation for 1: $45 (limited to 10 tickets)
Interactive Participation for 2 shared screen: $75 (limited to 5 tickets)
VIP ADD-ON: Private Video Message, Necklace, Custom C(ovell) Playing Card Deck: $50+shipping
Playing Card Only Add-On: $20+Shipping
IN-PERSON EXPERIENCE: We want to support Covell for being home of "The Game" for the last 3 years so we encourage SoCal locals to order wine/food for the C(ovell) in the C(loud) experience from Bar Covell. From 3pm-4:30pm day of show some of the performers will be at Bar Covell for socially distant photos if you have pre-ordered contactless food/wine pickup or you are buying wine onsite. Also, if you purchased a VIP ADD ON they will also be able to give you your VIP package in person along with a special VIP performance. Details on ordering food/wine will be sent to all ticket holders week of the show.
ACCESSIBILITY: Computer generated closed captioning offered to deaf audience upon advanced request.
Presale for ABC Interactive Patreon Subscribers: July 18th 12pm PST
General Sale Will be available at the Link Below Starting July 19th 12pm PST
RESERVING FREE TICKETS: Just write to abcinteractivetheatre@gmail.com with a screenshot of your donation receipt or if you are a subscriber just make a note in your email.
LOTTERY: There will a limited number of free participation tickets to show and final dress (July 30th) set aside for BIPOC with financial need. This will be given out in a Lottery. Interested parties email abcinteractivetheatre@gmail.com with the subject "LOTTERY TICKETS."
Past Praise for C(ovell)
"Its carefully orchestrated illogic is one of the show’s genuine pleasures. Lesser’s playful, semi-nonsensical lyricism and emotionally wounded comic caricatures evoke the double-edged paradoxes and existential absurdities most associated with Lewis Carroll,"-LA Weekly
"I found myself wanting to stay inside the world that she had created. That’s a feeling that I’m always looking for in an immersive, and the longing to be back there in that room with those characters held on strongly for hours afterward...Fans of Lesser’s previous work should know that she’s firing on all cylinders here,"-No Proscenium
""This is a blast!"-MY HAUNT LIFE
"C(ovell) isn’t just a game, it isn’t just a side show, it isn’t just an open bar; no, it’s a carefully curated immersive experience with a narrative, a theme, and a heart. It’s a magical evening spent drinking with friends, sharing secrets, and learning of another world. It’s a piece of art. Do yourself a favor and see this show. It is fun, it is entertaining, and it is emotional."-HAUNTING.NET